Monday, January 8, 2007

 And a few more !

 Still on the subject of hosiery.

For a man that enjoys the look and feel of hosiery (Mmmmmmm!) I seem to have collected very few pictures. Those that I do have were taken with a 2 mega pixel kodak some time ago, some of them are cam captures.
( I do have a nearly naughty avi in FF hose. Silky toes rooting up the leg of my shorts :-)

Here are a few I have found while rooting. The shoes were as far as I know only worn once, and now collect dust somewhere.

As my teacher will have said on numerous occasions. I must try harder.

Saturday, January 6, 2007

 What did you do today?

I'm off work at the moment, and like all males that spend extra time at home, you have to make yourself useful.  I thought that I might aquire some brownie points if I decorated the bathroom.

Anyway the project is now underway and I get to the point where I am looking for suitable wall paper.  Hoping that we might have something in stock 'cos we are always buying the materials for when we get the chance to do the job, I ask my wife were its been hidden this time?  "Have a look in the wardrobe she says", "perhaps its in the suit cases stored on the top?"

Well, later that day when my wife is out to work, I start rooting in the wardrobes for rolls of suitable paper.
I must have found a dozen when I pull out a carrier bag from the bottom shelf. I can feel its not rolls of paper (I'm sharp like that) so I empty the contents on to the bed, and wow! what a find. Packets of nylons.  Some FF and seamed, some pale some barley black, All super sheer and silky.
I did consider a quick snap to post here, but whats the point, without the wearer they are completely lifeless.  


Wednesday, January 3, 2007

I got tagged by the Lady in Red for 10 things about me starting with the letter L. I was tagged a while ago by Feetman78, but felt I couldn’t “play “ fairly, abiding by the rules (tag 6 others)

This tag seems “rules free” So I’ll ‘ave a go!

1. Love. My partner. Pretty feet. Hose and toes. Shoes that are strappy, and to be bare foot most of the time.

2. Loathe. Rudeness, aggression, unkempt and dirty nails, chipped nail polish, unpleasant smells.

3. Lotions. All are applied by hand, my hand!! Always happy to oblige

4. Lingerie. I love the stuff that could be worn anytime, but is generally worn at playtime. Bit like stockings, no sooner are they on then I want to take them off

5. Libido Mine has always been the cause of arguments.

6. Libertine. Only in a world of fantasy.

7. Lick. My tongue likes to explore everywhere.

8. Legs. Always appreciative of a nice pair of legs and a shapely ankle. Goes well with number 7

9. Lurking. As a voyeur, it is a natural talent to have.

10. Lust. May be one of the seven deadly sins, but guilty as charged 

In case Summer or Sean read this and want to play, I would like to tag them with……. Well what else, the letter S