Monday, August 31, 2009

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Being Human - Eps 1.6 Sat 9 pm EST

File:Being Human promo.jpg
Russell Tovey, Lenora Crichlow and Aidan Turner

This is the last episode of the season - the one thing I hate about British TV is that their seasons are so short!

Mitchell must confront Herrick once and for all.

Friday, August 28, 2009

Today´s Update

Ondra Ragan

The set includes 350 images.

Ondra Ragan is the fresh faced, young type of guy we like to see more of. Dressed ni his causal club wear of pink t-shirt and jeans, he steps out of his shiny, red Velcro shoes with ease. Rubbing his white socks on the Persian rug below causes some static electricity to accumulate, much like the spark being set off in our pants as he peels back the white cotton blend of his socks. Two creamy white feet lurk blow, looking as if never touched by the sun’s rays they fairly glow under the bright lights. Unmarked by hair nor scar these are the anatomical perfection of male feet.

Josef Barlik

The set includes 143 images and a video total running time: 10 min 27 secs.

Josef Barlik is the kind of man on the move. Always landing a deal he is constantly on his feet moving from place to place. Not having time for the fancy things in like pedicures, his feet are simply vehicles of transport used on a daily basis. It is not surprising then that we have chosen him as today’s feature. With slightly calloused heels and balls and a dusting of hair across their peaks these feet are the kind of rugged outdoorsy type that drive us wild time and time again.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Which is Gayer?

I've heard this song on the radio for several weeks now. The first time was after a caller requested the, "Helen Keller" song. I never got the actual song title or the name of the group and asking my 12 yo nephew didn't help. He knows the song but that's it. Today I finally remembered to go to to look up the song and found more than I was looking for.

I have to say I like the song, it has a good beat and catchy if puzzling lyrics. What struck me most, after repeated listenings, is how gay the song is. First is the high pitched chorus - Woowoowoowoo. Second was the lisp - 'Shush girl, shut your lips. Do the Helen Keller and talk with your hips". Third, don't trust a ho (which I thought was "don't trust her" until I read the lyrics) they obviously hate women and finally, "tell your boyfriend, if he says he's got beef, that I'm a vegetarian and I ain't fucking scared of him."

So as I'm reading the lyrics, the song starts playing - bonus. Then I notice that the video is playing - Now that is gay, almost as gay as the video by those Fire Island Pines Gays. In the video, they are the only surviving males models left on earth. The blonde is cuter.

So which is gayer? You be the judge.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Coming next to MF4U

Fyodor Vasily

David Feltik


Tomas Duman

Josef Barlik

Lubos Karda

Ondra Ragan

Tomas Stieber

Friday, August 21, 2009

RPT-Chile H1N1 cases in turkeys not alarming, says OIE

PARIS, Aug 21 (Reuters) - The outbreak of the H1N1 flu virus among turkeys in Chile should not be a cause for alarm as animal cases remain minor compared to the pandemic facing humans, the World Organisation for Animal Health said on Friday.

"This shouldn't be turned into a major event," said Dr Monique Eloit, deputy director-general of the Paris-based OIE.

"We are facing a human pandemic...Cases in animals are more anecdotal events," she told Reuters.

Chile's farming and livestock agency SAG announced on Thursday that the H1N1 flu virus had been detected at two farms 75 miles (120 km) west of the capital Santiago, the first time the virus has been found outside humans and pigs. [ID:nLL270385]

The spread of H1N1 to poultry was "not surprising" given that the virus contains human, pig and avian strains, Eloit said, adding the virus was likely transmitted via humans given the large number of human cases in Chile.

After being informed of turkey cases by the Chilean authorities, the OIE was awaiting detailed results in the coming days to assess the characteristics and effects of the flu found in the birds, she said.

The OIE has opposed the use of the term "swine flu" in reference to H1N1 because of the relatively small number of cases among pigs and lack of clear evidence they transmitted the virus to humans.

Initial reports about swine flu prompted many countries to ban pork meat and products imports from North America, although most of these bans have since been lifted.

The H1N1 swine flu virus was first seen in March in Mexico and California. Experts say at least 1 million people have been infected in the United States alone, and in Chile the virus has killed 128 people and infected thousands more during the southern hemisphere winter. (Reporting by Gus Trompiz; editing by James Jukwey)

Being Human - Eps 1.5 Sat 9 pm EST

Disillusioned by his efforts to be human, Mitchell returns to the company of his fellow undead to help recruit new vampires from terminal wards in the hospital. George lures Owen to the house where Annie tries to haunt him but he scorns her efforts. Mitchell meets up with Josie, an ex-girlfriend who now has incurable cancer but she rejects his offer of immortality through vampiricism as unnatural and Mitchell himself is shocked to learn that several of the 'recruits' are unwilling victims. The three house-mates invade the vampires' lair and are rescued by Lauren whom Mitchell finally dispatches out of pity. Back at the house Annie has her final revenge on Owen, driving him mad, but, just as the door appears for her to pass over, Herrick turns up...

Monday, August 17, 2009

A day at the beach

This is the lighthouse at the between space of Fire Island and Robert Mosses.

Long Island, NY has some of the best beaches in the world. Next to Robert Mosses is Jones Beach - if you ever visit Jones Beach go to parking lot 6 and park on the left. The best area to sit and sun is on the left/east side because as you walk away from the crowds (and lifeguard protected swimming areas) you'll enter the nude area and just past that is the gay area. Also in the gay area there used to be lots of cruising in the dunes but I'm not sure there's much of that anymore - the dunes are protected bc they have been damaged by erosion.

This is the end of the day. I went to Robert Mosses field 5 for two reasons. First, to get there I had to drive, in my Wrangler with the top down and the radio blasting, past Jones Beach and then continue on Ocean Parkway for about 25 miles. It is a beautiful, flat, straight stretch of road laid on the sand that separates the ocean and the bay. There are homes and beaches and deer and rabbits and a club (used to be OBI oak bech inn and is now the Beach Hut) and a golf course and at its widest, there is about a mile between the ocean and the bay but on average, it's only about .5 mile.

The second reason is to see the erosion damage done to field 4. It's so extensive that the field is closed indefinitely. I thought I'd be able to walk along the beach but they had it closed off.

All the fields at Jones Beach and Robert Mosses have this same building. When I was a kid, they had the best french fries (they have different one know) but they're still good, especially with a cold beer. Just watch out for the seagulls - they'll take the food right out of your hands. This building also houses the ladies bathrooms and showers on one side the the men's bathrooms and showers on the other.

Aghhhhh, the men's showers. We had gone to Robert Mosses for many years but the summer I was 11 was when the summers took on a whole new experience for me.

As you can see from the pics, they are an enclosed/outside shower and I probably risked my life if not my clean arrest record to take them. Now when I took these, I was going more for the showers themselves then the many hot men I used to watch - I took the longest showers and forever to dry off. I don't have any one particular memory from the awakening I had that summer of '75 but the one burned image is darkly tanned skin glistening under the spray of the showers in the bright sun and sunsets and most of all the white butts left by the speedoos. When I was really lucky, I got to see the lifeguards.

Views of the bridge heading to Robert Mosses and Jones Beach through my car window and by holding up my camera and clicking wildly.

Friday, August 14, 2009

Being Human - Eps 1.4 Sat 9 pm EST


Mitchell makes friends with a boy on the street called Bernie, but after a terrible misunderstanding things turn very nasty and before long there is a full-blown witch-hunt in the neighbourhood.

My friends, this is our darkest hour.

The world of Being Human is tumbling out of control and it's hard to know where it will all end... Mitchell has bitten a human... George is on the cusp of revealing all to Nina... Annie is intent on revenge on murderous Owen... And Herrick is once again up to his usual tricks. Surely he can't bring Mitchell back into the vampire fold... can he?

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Advice for Dirk.

This started as a comment for Dirk but by the time I finished it, I thought it would make for a nice post.
When I first moved to DC I wanted to get my first real gay haircut and went to Dupont Circle. I was led to a chair and then Beth came over – I was expecting/hoping for some hot gay guy and got a leather loving lesbian (or so I thought). Beth gave me a great cut and was easy to talk to so I continued to see her.
Soon I had been seeing her for years, had followed her to several other salons and had sent about 10-20 people to her including my current and later ex bf. Ross had the same concerns about seeing Beth as you did going to Tristan’s stylist. (what if he didn't like her or she gave him a bad cut; if he did like her who'd get Beth in the divorce?)
Years go by, Ross did like - actually love Beth - we eventually break-up but decide to share custody of Beth and Beth has her own salon at which Ross and I would freakishly unknowingly time our appointments back-to-back. Obviously Ross and I had remained friends (I set him up with his new and much younger than he BF) and got to talking. We both wanted to break-up with Beth. We both thought she had become less attentive and were tired of her keeping us waiting while she was on-line. Together we decided that we’d stop seeing her but the big problem was that we both lived near her salon which was on the main gay strip and that she was a big fag hag and we’d often run into her in the bars and clubs.
So short story long, we did dump her, didn’t tell, email or phone her and decided that when we finally did run into her we would be pleasant, make eye contact and play dumb (Has it really been that long?) She never asked and we never told.

Friday, August 7, 2009

Being Human

File:Being Human promo.jpg
Russell Tovey, Lenora Crichlow and Aidan Turner

This is such a great show, you'd think it was on HBO or Showtime.

Being Human
is a British television supernatural drama-comedy series, broadcast on BBC America Saturdays at 9pm est. It stars Lenora Crichlow, Russell Tovey (super adorkably cute!!) and Aidan Turner (sexy and dirty) as three apparent twenty-something characters sharing a house in Bristol, trying to live a normal social life, despite being a ghost, a werewolf and a vampire. It is one of the most popular shows on BBC’s iPlayer and the creator Toby Whithouse has said he is thrilled that the BBC has decided to commission a second series.

Yes or No

Yes or No

1. You can ONLY answer Yes or No.

2. You are NOT ALLOWED to explain ANYTHING unless someone messages or comments you and asks—and believe me, the temptation to explain some of these will be overwhelming nothing is exactly as it seems.

Now, here’s what you’re supposed to do: Copy and paste this into your notes, delete my answers, type in your answers and tag as many of your friends as you’d like to. Or not.

Kissed any one of your Facebook/Myspace/Twitter friends? no

Been arrested? no

Kissed someone you didn’t like? yes

Slept in until 5 PM? yes

Fallen asleep at work/school? yes

Held a snake? yes

Ran a red light? yes

Been suspended from school? no

Experienced love at first sight? yes

Totaled your car in an accident? yes

Been fired from a job? no

Fired somebody? yes

Sang karaoke? no

Pointed a gun at someone? no

Done something you told yourself you wouldn’t? yes

Laughed until something you were drinking came out your nose? yes

Caught a snowflake on your tongue? yes

Kissed in the rain? yes

Had a close brush with death (your own)? yes yes yes yes

Seen someone die? no

Played spin-the-bottle? no

Sang in the shower? yes

Smoked a cigar? no

Sat on a rooftop? yes

Smuggled something into another country? no

Been pushed into a pool with all your clothes? yes

Broken a bone? no

Skipped school? yes

Eaten a bug? no

Sleepwalked? no

Walked a moonlit beach? yes

Rode a motorcycle? no

Dumped someone? yes

Forgotten your anniversary? no

Lied to avoid a ticket? yes

Ridden on a helicopter? no

Shaved your head? no

Blacked out from drinking? no

Played a prank on someone? yes

Hit a home run? no

Felt like killing someone? yes

Cross-dressed? no

Been falling-down drunk? yes

Made your girlfriend/boyfriend cry? yes

Eaten snake? no

Marched/Protested? yes

Had Mexican jumping beans for pets? yes

Puked on amusement ride? no

Seriously & intentionally boycotted something? yes

Been in a band? no

Knitted? yes

Been on TV? yes

Shot a gun? yes

Skinny-dipped? yes

Gave someone stitches? yes

Eaten a whole habeñero pepper? no

Ridden a surfboard? yes

Drank straight from a liquor bottle? yes

Had surgery? yes

Streaked? yes

Taken by ambulance to hospital? yes

Passed out when not drinking? yes

Peed on a bush? yes

Donated Blood? yes

Grabbed an electric fence? no

Eaten alligator meat? no

Eaten cheesecake? yes

Eaten your kids/siblings Halloween candy? yes

Peed your pants in public? no

Snuck into a movie without paying? yes

Written graffiti? yes

Still love someone you shouldn’t? yes

Think about the future? yes

Been in handcuffs? yes

Believe in love? yes

Sleep on a certain side of the bed? yes

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

I saw Michael Jackson!

...on my Wii. I just got the new game Sports Resort thanks to
The Mangina Monologues' recommendation. You should read his post too.

The game is great - Table Tennis (my favorite), Sword Fighting, new Bowling, Biking, Wakeboarding, Canoeing, Basketball, Disc Dog, Frisbee Golf, Golf and a few more. The game requires (comes with one but you should buy another) the new motion sensor which makes your actions much more life-like. You need to get this game.

Anyway, I'm playing Table Tennis and I notice during one of the points that one of the Miis watching looks like Michael Jackson, but when the point is over, I don't see him. I'm like, did just imagine that? Then I see him again - not my imagination.

and that is Batman on the far left. This is so weird, the programers must have been smoking something because these Miis just get stranger and stranger and this game is too new for them to have added MJ after he died. Then during my match against T.F., which I'm sure stands for Turtle Face since he has a turtle on his face, I notice another famous dead guy - Jesus! Yes, Jesus! Any he's standing next to Wolverine.

As if this isn't weird enough - and truthfully, really fun, I actually get to play M.J. Who knew he was left-handed?

Then a few matches later I play Jesus.

Then strangest of all, I play BLACK Michael Jackson who is apparently right-handed.

All in all, a really fun game with interesting and entertaining details. A pleasant distraction right now.

Monday, August 3, 2009

The Gift of Life

full of love, life, happiness
hard worker
fun loving
loyal brother, son, friend
my cousin, my godson
gone in an instant
deer in the road
seat belt on
airbags deployed
body fine
one broken leg
face unbruised
brain dead
5 days of testing
just to make sure
life is over 
so life can be given
pain sorrow eased
for his 
for theirs
New York Organ Donor Network