Thursday, January 7, 2010


Actually, it's more accurate but far less titillating to say I fantasize about new tastebuds. Ever since I was a little boy, I have had limiting tastebuds. Growing up, people thought I was picky. As I got older, I went from picky to frustrating to unsophisticated to what-is-wrong-with-you. Never would I get sympathy and it took allot of work and time to at least earn some understanding.

New Year's Eve, Y2K is a humorous tale. My ex's new bf was freaked about Y2K and was hunkered down for the night so my ex asked me to join him and his sister, brother-in-law and another couple for dinner. When we were dating, we all got alone really well so it was going to be a fun evening. The other thing you have to know is they were real foodies and that night we were going to an authentic middle eastern restaurant and we were having a special that had to be ordered ahead of time -- a dinner of 75 different appetizers/dinner samples. Here's the funny part. They knew me and my challenges and had agreed that any plate that I liked, I could have to my self. The first dish I liked was number 27 and the first of just four. You must be thinking that I never eat out. You'd be wrong. Most of the time, I'm able to find one thing on the menu that I like or can adapt to my tastebuds.

New tastebuds wouldn't just allow me to eat out, they would allow me to really embrace cooking. I love to cook and I know if I had an even halfway decent palette, it would be a passion. As it it, most of what I cook I don't eat or even like. I don't even taste it because I can't judge the flavor; however, my friends and family enjoy what I make.

My most recent dinner was inspired by the movie Julie & Julia,  Julia's Beef Bourguignon which I have now made three times, all to great reviews, and amazingly enjoy myself. It's a very simple recipe just very time consuming and a bit labor intensive but oh so worth it!

(this is not a pic of my dish but mine came very close)

So my Friday Fantasy this week is for new tastebuds so I can indulge in more exotic foods and cultivate a passion for cooking. Now if those new tastebude HAVE to come on a new tongue, I wouldn't mind a longer one so that I could delve deeper into something else I love to do. :)

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