If you’re already pulling out your credit card, beware. Jack will cost you $199.99. Gwen, of course, is a bargain at $169.99. Martha is $174.99, and the Doctor is $179.99. Wait, Jack is the most expensive? Not so fast. The Doctor is $179.99 without his trademark trench. The coat is sold separately for $49.99. (It’s genuine faux suede and fully lined.) So, the whole package will run you close to $775. I have resisted buying any Tonner dolls thus far, though I suspect I’m close to giving in and getting Miss Piggy. Realistically, though, would I invest in these, even in a late-night, drunken moment of weakness?
The problem is I’m still furious with Jack because of Children of Earth. I even removed my Captain Jack action figures from my display case. I’d be most likely to get the Doctor, but only if I knew a Donna Noble doll was coming. Oo, if they had a Donna doll, I’d probably forget the Doctor and the rest all together and start customizing a Lauren Cooper.
Just in case, we will keep tabs on this line and see what develops.
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