Monday, June 14, 2010


So how great was the season premier of True Blood last night? I thought it was great and much better than I could have hoped for. Funny, scary, sexy and paced very well.

The first surprise was starting this season right where last season left off, none of this 3 months later crap. The second surprise, and I'll stop here, is how good my Tru Blood drink was. It would probably be too sweet for many but if you like Sunkist orange soda, I think you'd like this too.

So as I was watching the beautiful parade of man flesh, two, well okay three thoughts occurred to me. First, ummm, enough said. Second, I think all the men hit the gym hard since last season and it shows in the pecs and abs. Third, which TB Hunk/character am I most like?

I can't believe I've never seen this poll but like the Golden Girls and the ladies of Sex in the City, I think there is a True Blood man we each can identify with. I think of the five main male characters, Bill, Sam, Eric, Jason and Layafette, I'm most like Sam. I'm a giver, self sacrificing, have a duality in my personality and love dogs.

So which True Blood Man are you most like and why?



Bill and Sam


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