Friday, October 28, 2011


I loved watching the Hardy Boys every Sunday night, I think, maybe it was Friday nights, anyhow, although I had a bigger crush on Parker, I had a Shawn Cassidy pillow case under my headboard that was covered in Charlie's Angels stickers. How could my parents not know I was gay?

When Pamela Sue Martin came along as Nancy Drew (or was it the other way around?) my night was complete. To this day I'd still take Parker over Shawn but Shawn got bonus points for having the same first name as me, even if was spelled differently. He was one of the first Shawns I ever new of besides me.
As for Parker, hair or no hair he still stirs that special feeling. Then when Kirstie Ally let it rip at the Emmy's thanking Parker for giving her the BIG ONE! do I have to say more?

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