Thursday, February 2, 2012

One Million Moms Go After JC Penney for Hiring 'Open Homosexual' Ellen DeGeneres

Make our voices heard - the voices of intelligent, non-bigotted, equality for all minded people. You know OMM's will vote so must we and while once is helpful, multiple calls count as multiple votes.

972-431-8200 (customer service) and 972-431-1000 (corporate headquarters)

One Million Moms Go After JC Penney for Hiring 'Open Homosexual' Ellen DeGeneres

One Million Moms, a subset of the hate group American Family Association, is attacking JC Penney for hiring Ellen DeGeneres as its spokesperson. Says the group in an action alert:

EllenFunny that JC Penney thinks hiring an open homosexual spokesperson will help their business when most of their customers are traditional families. More sales will be lost than gained unless they replace their spokesperson quickly. Unless JC Penney decides to be neutral in the culture war then their brand transformation will be unsuccessful.

Their marketing strategy is to help families shop and receive a good value for their money. Degeneres is not a true representation of the type of families that shop at their store. The majority of JC Penney shoppers will be offended and choose to no longer shop there. The small percentage of customers they are attempting to satisfy will not offset their loss in sales.

JC Penney has made a poor decision and must correct their mistake fast to retain loyal customers and not turn away potential new, conservative shoppers with the company's new vision.
One Million Moms is calling on its followers to call JC Penney and demand they replace DeGeneres. Their numbers are 972-431-8200 (customer service) and 972-431-1000 (corporate headquarters). We suggest you do the opposite.
Posted 1:50 PM EST by Andy Towle

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