Monday, June 25, 2012


The Verrazano Bridge
leaving Long Island.

The Delaware River seen from the Bridge Street Bridge.

Cute shop.
I had lunch with Brian nearby at Triumph Bar & Grill.

Zombie underwear and my reflection.

Thinking of a few blogger friends seeing this display.
Lightning bolts! Thunder! Pouring Rain!

Scene of the crime (see previous post).

Crossing the Delaware where Washington crossed.
This is a TWO LANE bridge - made me very nervous.
Another storm hit and more lightning blots!
I'm freaking out!
The tow path along the Delaware.
Stopped here for dinner and to gather my nerves.
Great fried chicken under an open tent during another huge downpour and MORE lightning.

I had a great day and topped it off with this wonderful play. Brian of Caliban's Revenge (again neither of us remembered to take pics) was perfect as Sterling, his close friend D was a very sexy Steve and the rest of the cast gave an amazing, fun and bearish performance. For a play set in 1993, it holds up very well.

My trip home was uneventful if a bit meandering. My GPS seemed to take the very scenic route and combined with my inability to follow it and late night construction, I finally made it home around 2 am and asleep around 6 am. Saturday was a complete sofa day.

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