Thursday, August 30, 2012


My date with Jakey-Poo was awesome. He likes to be by himself before going on stage so we didn't meet before the show. I took the Ling Island Rail Road into the city and walked from Penn Station through Times Square to the theater oN 46th street. I passed St. Andrew's Scottish Pub, were the bartenders are kilted (that one's for you Jim), and arrived at the theater early enough to take a few pics.

If I had been able to remember anything about the play other than Jakey-Poo being in it, I would have had a better idea of what I was about to see. Most importantly, I was close enough (screw the restraining order) to see Jake's blue eyes and chest hair!

The play, If There Is I Haven't Found it Yet, is a drama about an English family (Jake with and English accent!) with a few funny bits here and there and at its core explores the importance of love, family and the environment. There are only 4 actors and all are on stage for the 90 mins (no intermission).

Although Jakey-Poo wanted to fly off to our private island, I told him he had made a commitment to the play and that the gastrointestinal virus I've had for the past 10 days would make a long plane flight (even on his Lear Jet) almost impossible. I've waited for him this long, I can wait a few more weeks.

Times Square
St. Andrew's Scottish Pub with kilted bartenders.

I put my phone down and this was on the screen. Click.
These people kept getting in my way! 
The stage. There is rain falling and by the end of the show, all
the fixtures were thrown into the pool in front of the stage
and the stage its self was under 3-4 inches of water.

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