Thursday, December 28, 2006

 What!  More Flip Flops ?

Well Okay.  I'm really sorry that while I was taking these pictures I did not shoot more. It's always the same is'nt it.  I have never bought my wife a pair of flip flops, and the pair in the pictures were a gift.  I think that I might have to by some more for this summer.

Wednesday, December 27, 2006

 Got a thing for flip flops?

Well ..... I like them.  Not perhaps as much as the sports sandals with the extra sssssstrapssssss !
 Flip flops allow the foot to be bare as a foot can be without coming in contact with the mucky ground.  And what about  flip flops and jeans???

Well like them a lot or a little, you add  your say at Flip flop Girls blog

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

That's it. 
Christmas is done, had the shortest day, things can only get better. 

I've nothing Christmassy to post. No party frocks,strappy sandals, or toes in tinsel.  Never mind eh? Its a grey day here, and something to lift the spirits (mine) never goes amiss.

Thursday, December 21, 2006

Well at least I will be able to say that we did it at least once :-)

Monday, December 18, 2006

 In a slight red wine haze, as is the norm just lately (dark nights) I wandered through some of the blogs that I read. I wandered to feetman78's blog (feet on the ground)
There are some tastes that I do not share with my friend the "mega poster" feetman 78, but that's human nature.  I really wouldn't be intersted in a pair of "soiled" anything, but that's me.

But..... ? when reading his post today, I found a line that eased my torment immensely.

You see, I love hose and toes.  I am an avid voyeur, a silent but appreciative solitary audience to all that I am lucky enough to see.   I silently sit in judgement on each particular choice of hosiery. Too light,too thick, or just too orange tan!  

What is it about hosiey that draws my interest????   I don't have a thing for nylon , but I do. I don't want to play with a pair of new/used/soiled hoseiry, but I think that unless tanned a little, legs should be nylon clad.   Okay,  but why?

I want my partner to wear tights/stockings, just for my pleasure?  Is it 'cos I want to lust over the material? Is it because I want have sex with my parntner and the nylons? no, although I am never going to buy her tan tights, am i just kinky?

I love sheer, I love sandal toe, I love stockings, I love the colour "barely black", I love the faint reinforcing at the toes!  I love , I love!

But....... nooky (sex) makes me want to get those tights/stockings off. I want to rub my cheek against skin, and not something that has Dupont in its makeup.  I want them on, then i want them off!   What torment.

Then tonight I wandered to Feetman78's pages (feet on the ground).
Sometimes when I read, I am enclined to go eeewwww no! (This is really no more than some like garlic and some don't) and sometimes I go Mmmm.. spot on.
Tonight I found an elocquence in Feetman78's meanderings gave  words to help me "scratch" my perpetual itch. What is it I love about legs and feet in hoseiry?

Well I can tell you now!  Beautiful legs/ the  bone structures in feet, dimples in the backs of a womans knees, are, although you could say it's guilding the lilly " shaded artistically by the stockings"

Thank you Feetman78.    
 Next time a woman is giving me a hard time about why men are "kinky" about stockings. I will blow them away!!

Friday, December 8, 2006

I have been tagged by Feetman 78 :-)  
I read the rules of the game and am just about to sort a post out, when I realise I do not 
have 6 others to tag!  

Never mind. At some future date I may have accumulated 6 victims, and I will still be just as weird :-)