Monday, December 18, 2006

 In a slight red wine haze, as is the norm just lately (dark nights) I wandered through some of the blogs that I read. I wandered to feetman78's blog (feet on the ground)
There are some tastes that I do not share with my friend the "mega poster" feetman 78, but that's human nature.  I really wouldn't be intersted in a pair of "soiled" anything, but that's me.

But..... ? when reading his post today, I found a line that eased my torment immensely.

You see, I love hose and toes.  I am an avid voyeur, a silent but appreciative solitary audience to all that I am lucky enough to see.   I silently sit in judgement on each particular choice of hosiery. Too light,too thick, or just too orange tan!  

What is it about hosiey that draws my interest????   I don't have a thing for nylon , but I do. I don't want to play with a pair of new/used/soiled hoseiry, but I think that unless tanned a little, legs should be nylon clad.   Okay,  but why?

I want my partner to wear tights/stockings, just for my pleasure?  Is it 'cos I want to lust over the material? Is it because I want have sex with my parntner and the nylons? no, although I am never going to buy her tan tights, am i just kinky?

I love sheer, I love sandal toe, I love stockings, I love the colour "barely black", I love the faint reinforcing at the toes!  I love , I love!

But....... nooky (sex) makes me want to get those tights/stockings off. I want to rub my cheek against skin, and not something that has Dupont in its makeup.  I want them on, then i want them off!   What torment.

Then tonight I wandered to Feetman78's pages (feet on the ground).
Sometimes when I read, I am enclined to go eeewwww no! (This is really no more than some like garlic and some don't) and sometimes I go Mmmm.. spot on.
Tonight I found an elocquence in Feetman78's meanderings gave  words to help me "scratch" my perpetual itch. What is it I love about legs and feet in hoseiry?

Well I can tell you now!  Beautiful legs/ the  bone structures in feet, dimples in the backs of a womans knees, are, although you could say it's guilding the lilly " shaded artistically by the stockings"

Thank you Feetman78.    
 Next time a woman is giving me a hard time about why men are "kinky" about stockings. I will blow them away!!

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