Wednesday, February 13, 2013


Demand a Plan

Dear Sean,

Here’s what President Obama said about our daughter last night:

“One of those we lost was a young girl named Hadiya Pendleton. She was 15 years old. She loved Fig Newtons and lip gloss. She was a majorette. She was so good to her friends, they all thought they were her best friend. Just three weeks ago, she was here, in Washington, with her classmates, performing for her country at my inauguration. And a week later, she was shot and killed in a Chicago park after school, just a mile away from my house.”
We were honored to join First Lady Michelle Obama as her guests at the State of the Union. And we were deeply moved by the president’s words -- about Hadiya and about the need for Congress to fix our broken gun laws

Our daughter was a bright and beautiful girl who deserved a full life. No parent should have to bury their child, and there’s no excuse for any more delays. Congress has common sense proposals in front of them. It’s time for them to vote!

Call Congress RIGHT NOW and tell them: 33 Americans are murdered with guns every day. THEY DESERVE A VOTE.

They Deserve a Vote
We’re in Washington, DC today meeting with our members of Congress. We’re going to tell them about our daughter and what it’s like to lose someone you love so much to gun violence.

But we won’t stop there. We’re going to demand that they act now. We’re going to tell them:“You guys signed up for the job. Now do something!”

It’s time. Please join us by calling your members of Congress today:

Thank you for making your voice heard,

Cleopatra Cowley-Pendleton & Nathaniel A. Pendleton Sr.
Mayors Against Illegal Guns


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