Thursday, February 26, 2009

My 1st List

From Lazy Circles:

1. Where is your cell phone? charging
2. Your significant other? missing
3. Your hair? real
4. Your mother? Jean
5. Your father? Roger
6. Your favorite thing? Doggies
7. Your dream last night? blank
8. Your favorite drink? whiterussian
9. Your dream/goal? peaceful
10. The room you’re in? den
11. Your fear? life
12. Where do you want to be in 6 years? somewhere
13. Where were you last night? nowhere
14. What you’re not? happy
15. Muffins? blueberry
16. One of your wish list items? house
17. Where you grew up? haven't
18. The last thing you did? read
19. What are you wearing? attitude
20. Your TV? sony
21. Your pet? doggies
22. Your computer? mac
23. Your life? Meh
24. Your mood? meh
25. Missing someone? yes
26. Your car? Wrangler
27. Something you’re not wearing? clothes
28. Favorite store? Apple
29. Summer? beach
30. Favorite color? blue
31. Why did you laugh last? Tramp
32. Why did you cry last? death
33. Who will repost this? nobody
34. A place I go over and over: bathroom
35. Someone who emails me: amazon
36. Place I would rather be right now: Miami

My favorite version of "Put a Ring on it"


Tuesday, February 24, 2009

For my Nephew

The Zombie Survival Guide: Complete Protection from the Living Dead
My nephew loves all things dead. He's 11 now but has been watching zombie movies since he was 4!

I was cruising Amazon last night and saw "The Zombie Survival Guide: Complete Protection from the Living Dead" so I bought it for him. It may be a bit over his head but he'll love the title, he'll love the pro/cons of guns vs. flamethrowers and it may get him to read more.

From Publishers Weekly
In this outrageous parody of a survival guide, Saturday Night Live staff writer Brooks prepares humanity for its eventual battle with zombies. One would expect the son of Mel Brooks to have a genetic predisposition to humor, and indeed, he does, and he exhibits it relentlessly here: he outlines virtually every possible zombie-human encounter, drafts detailed plans for defense and attack and outlines past recorded attacks dating from 60,000 B.C. to 2002. In planning for that catastrophic day when "the dead rise," Brooks urges readers to get to know themselves, their bodies, their weaponry, their surroundings and, just in case, their escape routes. Some of the book's more amusing aspects are the laughable analyses Brooks proposes on all aspects of zombiehood, and the specificity with which he enumerates the necessary actions for survival-i.e., a member of an anti-zombie team must be sure to have with him at all times two emergency flares, a signaling mirror, daily rations, a personal mess kit and two pairs of socks. Comic, though unnecessarily exhaustive, this is a good bet for Halloween gag gifts and fans of Bored of the Rings-esque humor. 100 line drawings.
Copyright 2003 Reed Business Information, Inc.


My mom gets lots of email from people with too much time on their hands and not enough brains in their heads. During the primaries and election most of them were from wingnuts and she would forward them to me. I would research them and show her what lies they were.

So when my mom got the one below, she forwarded it to me and I was about to email her back when I received a follow-up email with her research disproving the lies. Good job Mom!

Captain Kangaroo passed away on January 23, 2004 at age 76 , which is odd, because he always looked to be 76. (DOB: 6/27/27 ) His death reminded me of the following story.

Some people have been a bit offended that the actor, Lee Marvin, is buried in a grave alongside 3 and 4-star generals at Arlington National Cemetery His marker gives his name, rank (PVT) and service (USMC). Nothing else. Here's a guy who was only a famous movie star who served his time, why the heck does he rate burial with these guys? Well, following is the amazing answer:

I always liked Lee Marvin, but didn't know the extent of his Corps experiences.

In a time when many Hollywood stars served their country in the armed forces often in rear echelon posts where they were carefully protected, only to be trotted out to perform for the cameras in war bond promotions, Lee Marvin was a genuine hero.. He won the Navy Cross at Iwo Jima There is only one higher Naval award.. the Medal Of Honor!

If that is a surprising comment on the true character of the man, he credits his sergeant with an even greater show of bravery.
Dialog from 'The Tonight Show with Johnny Carson': His guest was Lee Marvin. Johnny said, 'Lee, I'll bet a lot of people are unaware that you were a Marine in the initial landing at Iwo Jima ..and that during the course of that action you earned the Navy Cross and were severely wounded.'

'Yeah, yeah... I got shot square in the bottom and they gave me the Cross for securing a hot spot about halfway up Suribachi. Bad thing about getting shot up on a mountain is guys getting' shot hauling you down. But, Johnny, at Iwo . I served under the bravest man I ever knew... We both got the Cross the same day, but what he did for his Cross made mine look cheap in comparison. That dumb guy actually stood up on Red beach and directed his troops to move forward and get the hell off the beach. Bullets flying by, with mortar rounds landing everywhere and he stood there as the main target of gunfire so that he could get his men to safety. He did this on more than one occasion because his men's safety was more important than his own life.

That Sergeant and I have been lifelong friends. When they brought me off Suribachi we passed the Sergeant and he lit a smoke and passed it to me, lying on my belly on the litter and said, 'Where'd they get you Lee?' 'Well Bob... if you make it home before me, tell Mom to sell the outhouse!' Johnny, I'm not lying, Sergeant Keeshan was the bravest man I ever knew.
The Sergeant's name is Bob Keeshan. You and the world know him as Captain Kangaroo.'

On another note, there was this wimpy little man (who passed away) on PBS, gentle and quiet. Mr. Rogers is another of those you would least suspect of being anything but what he now portrays to our youth. But Mr. Rogers was a U.S. Navy Seal, combat-proven in Vietnam with over twenty-five confirmed kills to his name. He wore a long-sleeved sweater on TV, to cover the many tattoos on his forearm and biceps. He was a master in small arms and hand-to-hand combat, able to disarm or kill in a heartbeat.

After the war Mr. Rogers became an ordained Presbyterian minister and therefore a pacifist. Vowing to never harm another human and also dedicating the rest of his life to trying to help lead children on the right path in life. He hid away the tattoos and his past life and won our hearts with his quiet wit and charm.

America's real heroes don't flaunt what they did; they quietly go about their day-to-day lives, doing what they do best. They earned our respect and the freedoms that we all enjoy.
Look around and see if you can find one of those heroes in your midst.
Often, they are the ones you'd least suspect, but would most like to have on your side if anything ever happened.

Take the time to thank anyone that has fought for our freedom. With encouragement they could be the next Captain Kangaroo or Mr. Rogers. Send this on, will you please? Nothing will happen to you if you don't, but you will be telling others.

From Wikipedia:

Bob Keeshan
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Robert James Keeshan (June 27, 1927 – January 23, 2004) was an American television producer and actor. He is most famous as the title character of the children's television program Captain Kangaroo, which became an icon for millions of baby boomers during its 30-year run from 1955-1984.
Keeshan also played the original "Clarabell the Clown" on the Howdy Doody television program.
Contents [hide]

Keeshan was born in Lynbrook, New York. He attended Fordham University, following his service in the United States Marine Corps Reserve during World War II. An urban legend claims that actor Lee Marvin said on "The Tonight Show" that he had fought alongside Keeshan at the Battle of Iwo Jima. However, Marvin never said this, never served on Iwo Jima (having been invalided out after the Battle of Saipan many months before), and Keeshan himself never saw combat, having enlisted too late in the war to go overseas.[1]

Fred Rogers
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Fred McFeely Rogers (March 20, 1928 – February 27, 2003) was an American educator, minister, songwriter, and television host. Rogers was the host of the television show Mister Rogers' Neighborhood, in production from 1968 to 2001. Rogers was also an ordained Presbyterian minister.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Cover Girl Ellen

I love that Cover Girl choose Ellen for three reasons - she's Gay!, she's 50! and she's pretty but not model-pretty.

What kind of gay would I be if I didn't love Ellen? I was a fan of her standup and then her prime-time show. I like her talk show but it's not on my tivo list. Years ago I was lucky enough to win a framed, autographed picture of the cast at a tennis tournament I was playing. It was so funny, before I could even sit down from having collected my prize, I had 2 different people offer me over $200 for it and a third, very hunky man, made a more titillating offer. That last one was tough to turn down, he wouldn't take no for an answer, but at the time, I had someone even better waiting for me back in DC. My friends all thought I was crazy, but then they had yet to meet Troy.

Finally, I had to good fortune to head into Lambda Rising in DC, for some umm reading material, during her mother's book signing for Love, Ellen. What a sweet woman and what a good book. I gave it to my mom for Christmas. One day I'll post pics of them.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Harry Potter inspired by Troll?

I'm watching tv with my nephew today because he's home sick and he puts on the terrible movie - TROLL. I'm not really paying attention but then I hear - "I'm Harry Potter." 

WHAT! Yes, Harry Potter. What year was this movie - 1986. My first thought - is this where JK Rowling got the name, no it has to be a coincidence. Harry was published in 1997. Maybe they both took the name from somewhere else but I don't know. Do you?

Also of interest was the cast:
  •      Sony Bono of Cher
  •      Shelly Hack of Charlie perfume & Tiffiny in Charlie's Angles
  •      Julia Louis-Dreyfus of Seinfeld of course
  •      Gary Sandy of WKRP in Cincinnati still with his great hair
  •      Michael Moriarty of may things and Law and Order
  •      June Lochart of Lost in Space and Lassie
  •      Anne Lochart, June's daughter & someone on Battlestar Galactica with (see next line)
  •      Noah Hathaway who was Boxey on Battlestar Galactica and was Atreyu in THE NEVER ENDING STORY. According to IMBD Noah is in production for a new Troll movie.
The theme song for The Never Ending Story is one of my all-time favorites. It was sung and I think written by Limahl, former lead singer for one-hit-wonder Kajagoogoo, Too Shy, hush hush.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

What Office Supply Are You?

You Are a Stapler

No matter how much chaos strikes, you're the one who keeps everyone together.

You cut to the chase, and you're willing to give people an abrupt lesson in tough love.

People may not appreciate you in at times, but everything would be a mess without you.

You would make a CEO. You do best when you can exert your power.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Cyndi Lauper - At Last

My favorite version - sorry Etta.

I Like Mike

This is such a fun and catchy song/video. My favorite line is, "ball with the big boys makes him all cocky, Mike holds his own because he's short but he's stocky. Mike's got an attitude bordering on bratatude."

Monday, February 2, 2009

United States of Tara

I LOVE THIS SHOW!!! The only thing that could make it better is if it were one hour instead of just a half hour long.

As you can see from the trailer, Tara has gone off here meds so she can get to the root of why she has multiple personalities - called "the alters" (I love that). She also has a gay 14 year old son - great story line.

During last night's episode, I got to thinking: What kind of alters would I have? Alters tend to step in when your true self can't handle a situation. How old, what sex, gay or straight, what would they look like and why would they step in? I also loved Sybil with Sally Field.