Saturday, May 29, 2010


I saw Will's video posted over at Yummy of the Day. Will performed this song live on the American Idol finale and I immediately loved it (it usually takes many listenings before I love a song). Will was the first winner of Pop Idol, which spawned American Idol and Idols all over the world, and after came out after winning Pop Idol. This is his official video followed by his AI performance. Will's new album, Leave Right Now, dropped on May 25th.

recent military shoots for

Video preview of Ladislav Lukasik

Friday, May 28, 2010


This vid is so worth a minute of your time. With all the crappy news and events, this minute of fun is sure to make you smile. I think more stars should do this - I know I would.

Ozzy Osbourne visited Madame Tussaud's Wax Museum in New York. While there he spent some time sitting on a bench and not moving. People thought he was the wax version of himself. When people came close he would jump up and scare them.

MAY-28-2010 MF4U update

The set includes 103 images and a video total running time: 13 min 09 secs.

Our star this week holds nothing back. Starting out already nude, he looks at us from all the way behind his feet. These babies fill the frame and move almost serpentine as each toe wriggles and squirms only inches away from our eyes. Striking a few poses he rolls around on the bed giving us access to each angle and view this stud has to offer. With some moves that will make you drool, Volodymyr is something that will stay in our minds for days.

The set includes 361 images.

Lumir Kowalski is a fresh faced thing with eyes that pierce right through and a look that will make you salivate. Dressed in dark blue jeans and a pair of white socks encased in thick black shoes he is the picture of perfection as he runs his hands down their length and slips his shoes over the ball of his heel. Wriggling in the cool air his feet look pale and clammy, so massaging them they turn a peachy hue and rub against each other. Ending this set with a couple of extreme close ups, this is one set to come back to again and again.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

The Argyle Sweater by Scott Hilburn

Lots of comics this week. Just how many years ago was The Ambiguously Gay Duo? Here is a 30 minute collection of what must be all of their skits. Still funny after all these years.

MAY-25-2010 MF4U update

The set includes 88 images and a video total running time: 13 min 09 secs.

Like an angel, Pavel Tereska sits shirtless in his crisp white pants against the pastel wall behind. Slipping his socks over the balls of his heels they flick against his toes as he removes each one. Reaching down he flexes their muscles, contorting them with his strong grip. Pavel doesn’t let things stop there. Once he gets started there is no stopping him, so whipping off all his clothes he rolls around naked before posing for a few quick surprise shots with a bowl of grapes.

The set includes 137 images.

The classic beauty with a classic Czech name, Premysl Turin is the kind of guy you might run into at some provincial disco. A little shy and uncertain he invites you back to his place and starts putting on a show. A little tentative toward the beginning he soon finds his own and really gets into it. With long creamy feet that just beg to be sucked, this is the reason to get out more.

Monday, May 24, 2010


Washington Post Staff Writer
Monday, May 24, 2010; 7:51 PM

President Obama has signed on to a "don't ask, don't tell" compromise between lawmakers and the Defense Department, the White House announced Monday, an agreement that removes a key obstacle to repealing the military's policy banning gays and lesbians from serving openly in the armed forces.

Obama endorses 'don't ask, don't tell' compromise in Congress
'Don't ask, don't tell' votes likely to be close
Obama extends hospital visitation rights to same-sex couples
Under the compromise, worked out in a series of meetings Monday at the White House and on Capitol Hill, lawmakers will proceed to repeal the Clinton-era policy in the next several days, but that action will not go into effect until the Pentagon completes a study about implementing the repeal.

In a letter to lawmakers pushing for a repeal, the White House wrote Monday that "such an approach recognizes the critical need to allow our military and their families the full opportunity to inform and shape the implementation process through a thorough understanding of their concerns, insights and suggestions."

Gay rights advocates hailed the White House decision as a "dramatic breakthrough" that they predicted would dismantle the policy once and for all.


For some reason and without warning, one of my favorite blogs closed shop -- AGAIN -- hip n edgy and before that famous like me. If you know why or where Donnie has gone, I'd appreciate knowing. Until then, I have decided to do my own version of one of my favorite weekly posts of his -- MUG SHOT MONDAY. My version will be somewhat different and will hopefully improve.

TODAY: Call Swarm Congress On DADT

Servicemembers United is asking everybody to call their members of Congress today in a "last chance" effort on DADT.
Another chance for you to be a part of history is coming on Monday, May 24, 2010 with Servicemembers United's "GIVE 'EM HELL - Congressional Call Swarm" campaign. Next week, the Senate Armed Services Committee and the full House of Representatives will debate and vote on finally repealing the "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" (DADT) law. This is our LAST CHANCE to flood congressional offices with phone calls to send the message that support for repealing DADT is overwhelming.
We are no longer asking. We are DEMANDING that DADT be repealed THIS YEAR. We all have worked long and hard for this time to come. Now that it's here, we cannot let the opportunity slip. Please join us on Monday, May 24th and help us flood our congressional offices with phone calls demanding repeal of DADT immediately.
Step 1) Call the DC offices of each of your state's two Senators
Step 2) Call the DC office of your district's federal Representative
And finally, to all those still serving on active duty under the cloud of DADT, KEEP FIGHTING FOR US AND WE'LL KEEP FIGHTING FOR YOU.
via Joe.My.God