Monday, May 24, 2010

TODAY: Call Swarm Congress On DADT

Servicemembers United is asking everybody to call their members of Congress today in a "last chance" effort on DADT.
Another chance for you to be a part of history is coming on Monday, May 24, 2010 with Servicemembers United's "GIVE 'EM HELL - Congressional Call Swarm" campaign. Next week, the Senate Armed Services Committee and the full House of Representatives will debate and vote on finally repealing the "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" (DADT) law. This is our LAST CHANCE to flood congressional offices with phone calls to send the message that support for repealing DADT is overwhelming.
We are no longer asking. We are DEMANDING that DADT be repealed THIS YEAR. We all have worked long and hard for this time to come. Now that it's here, we cannot let the opportunity slip. Please join us on Monday, May 24th and help us flood our congressional offices with phone calls demanding repeal of DADT immediately.
Step 1) Call the DC offices of each of your state's two Senators
Step 2) Call the DC office of your district's federal Representative
And finally, to all those still serving on active duty under the cloud of DADT, KEEP FIGHTING FOR US AND WE'LL KEEP FIGHTING FOR YOU.
via Joe.My.God

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