Monday, March 21, 2011


I was surfing this weekend and stopped on Poplab on LogoTv. For once they were playing a video and not a commercial. Anyway, the beginning of the video is kinda artsy and late-eighties like so I continued to watch. I didn't know who or what I was watching until 1.40 of the video below. It's Willow Smith!

I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry. But maybe I'm not. After her I Whip My Hair, which I think is a very good video and a song that is designed to play over and over in your brain until it turns to mush so I've posted it too, I was surprised at how good this song and video are. I'm not going out to buy it but I may listen to it if it comes on the radio. What's most surprising is that if I heard this on the radio, I would have thought it was Rihanna.

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