Monday, March 7, 2011


Stevie (over at nicetoseestevieb) proposed a Five Degrees meme of sorts.  Five questions to be answered to give greater insight into the writer’s psyche. The first topic?  The Dumbest Thing you’ve done.

I've done many dumb things, we all have, but this event I thought would give you the best laugh. My boyfriend had had some early morning, pre-work fun and either I decided to keep my metal cockring (see above) on or it wouldn't come off. Either way, I wore it to work where I was managing a watch store with hardwood floors.

I no sooner opened the doors when I had my first customer. As I was showing her her selection, btw we were both on the same side of the counter, I felt a little run down my leg followed by a loud pinging! Fortunately I instantly realized what was happening and was able the get my foot over the cockring before she could see it. I don't know if she saw or heard anything but she never commented and I learned two lessons. The first is if you are going to leave the house wearing a metal cockring, wear briefs or boxer briefs NOT boxers, at least briefs stand of change of catching the ring if it comes off. Secondly, don't leave the house wearing a metal cockring unless it is part of the dress code of your destination.

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