Tuesday, November 6, 2012


1. Did you vote? Today? In all, most, only presidential?

I was at the train station today at 6:15 am so I could get into NYC for a 9:30 Amtrak to DC where I took the Metro to Arlington so I could cast my vote in VA which is now a swing state. Yes, I am still a VA resident and registered voter. Hopefully, the line to vote isn't too bad. I'm meeting Cubby for dinner and we're watching the results at the Breen Lantern...I mean the Green Lantern.
2. When did you vote? Today, absentee, early?
If all goes according to plan and I can get on the trains and to DC, then I will have voted today. I could have voted by absentee ballot but I missed the deadline when my mom was in the hospital and truthfully, I like having an excuse to go to DC.
3. What were your 3 Biggest Issues?
1. Equality      2. Economy      3. Foreign Policy/National Security
4. Would you have preferred different candidate(s)? Who?
No. I believe President Obama has done a good job and would have done more if the Republican party's only goal hadn't been to see him (and therefore the country) fail.  Hillary 2016!! 
5. Do you remember the first time you voted?
My first election was in 1982 and memorable only for it being my 1st time voting which was/is very important to me. I remember 1984, not "fondly I think." 
6. Have you ever been a campaign worker?
No. I have never felt that motivated or committed to a candidate.
7. What were you doing the night of Bush vs. Gore?
I went out with my ex, Ross, and a few friends. We went to dinner then a bar and stayed until 3 am before going home. Alone, we weren't in the mood. 
8. What will you do if President Obama doesn't win?
After I take my head out of the toilet, I will believe and hope that the Mayan's were correct but should they be wrong, then come January 20, 2013, I will wish Romney well, hope that his plans (what ever they are) work for the country. I also think that I will find myself sufficiently motivated to become more politically involved then just voting.

Does it matter if a president has an affair?
No. I'd rather it not be made public for the good of the country and really because it is an issue best handled between a spouse and spouse. What does matter to me, is that if caught or confronted, that the president be honest in his/her response.

TMI Questions
are designed to be fun, slightly embarrassing and reveal too much information between you and your significant other, among friends and/or family.

Since the purpose... 
of TMI Questions is for people to get to know each other, post and answer the questions on your blog or tumblr page and then post the link in the comments so that others can read your answers and get to know you too.

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