Wednesday, March 10, 2010


7 Year Old Boy Saves Family

From the Los Angeles Times: yesterday morning in Norwalk which is a little south of Los Angeles, three men with guns invaded a house and told everyone inside they were going to take what they wanted. As the mom and dad were herded into the living room, their 7 year old son grabbed his six year old daughter and headed for a bathroom with a cell phone and locked the door behind them. The boy then called 911.

"There's some guy who's going to kill my mom and dad. Can you come, please? Bring cops ... a lot of them! ... And soldiers too."

The boy thought at the time that his parents had been shot. Shortly after the boy made the call, the attackers broke down the bathroom door. On the 911 tape you can hear the attackers asking who the boy had called. He told them 911 and then the attackers fled without taking anything or injuring anyone.

This kid was brave and smart and quick on his feet. Amazing.
Source CDAN

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