Wednesday, January 26, 2011


The day started off with snow NOT rain like they said. When all was said and done, the 1st storm, yes I said 1st, left about 5 inches of heavy wet snow.

The original forecast called for the second storm to start in the evening as rain, heavy at times, before changing over to some snow. That forecast was WRONG! At just after 7 we were alerted to the arrival of the second storm with driving sleet, pounding winds and lightening and thunder! We are now supposed to get upwards of 10 inches (not manhunt inches which would be nice).  The snow is supposed to come down hard and fast, up to 3 inches an hour. I am really sick of the snow. We still haven't gotten rid of the accumulations - poor Truvy and Tramp haven't been able to poop and pee on grass for weeks.

Speaking of my little ones, Truvy and Tramp don't like thunder. Truvy needs to be in my lap, which is fine, but Tramp barks up a storm. I can't tell if he's scared or not but I am unable to calm him down until the thunder ends.


I wouldn't mind all the snow if I had someone the way they have each other. Sigh!

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