Thursday, September 13, 2012


1. What level of education have you earned? Where?
After a bit of a rocky start, I earned my BBA at Adelphi University while living at home and working two or three part-time jobs at a time. I then went into a full-time MBA program at Clark University, Graduate School of Management in Worcester, MA. It was two of the best years of my life. I was VP of the Graduate School of Management and not only became a member of the A group, I actually became the nice Heather. It really changed my life.

2. If you went to college, did you join the greek system?
No. I wasn't attracted to it (I thought I'd only get black balled or beat up) and since I was working so much, I wouldn't have had time.

3. If money and time weren't an issue, would you go back to school? What would you study?
I've thought about it, language and computers for fun, counseling for profession, but feel like I've lost some capacity to learn in a classroom environment. 

4. Ever make it under the bleachers?
No, but do the bathrooms count?

5. Knowing what you know now, what would you change about your education?
YES! I would study much harder in high school and not let the bullies who made fun of me for doing well suppress me. I would also go away to college - it is the time in your life when you really become an adult and I think if I had I would have come out then and not many years later.
What was your best or worst experience in school?
My best experience in school was in Grad School. I really was able to be the person I am - friendly, out going, confident, a leader - although I didn't come out then it helped me to later. I was elected to VP of the Graduate School of Management, started a monthly newsletter that actually was granted a small budget and ran for several years after I graduated, was the Grad School Rep to the board of trustees, and became not only a member of the A group but also one of its leaders. (that was worth repeating) Best of all, I became friends with people from all over the world - over 30 countries and 5 continents - many of whom I'm still in touch with.


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