Monday, September 24, 2012


First, my owie. I did go to the doctor, two in fact, and was tested and cleared of MSRA. It's just a wound and it's healing nicely. No IV antibiotics or hospital stay needed. It was pretty gross for a while and when the doctor squeezed it, lots of blood oozed out along with something yellowy that the doctor said was puss but looked too much like a maggot for my comfort. I was very itchy for several hours. 

Second, I had planned on a semi-surprise birthday party for my mom on Friday night but we ended up canceling at the last minute. It was a semi-surprise because she knew we were going to dinner but didn't know that it would include more than just family. Mom had been overly tired for a few days which the doctor had attributed to her new medication but when she had some trouble breathing and was too tired to go to dinner, we felt it best to take her to the emergency room. GOOD THINKING! It turned out that she was in the very early stages of pneumonia, very risky for a lung cancer patient, and we had gotten her there early enough to so a quick and far less complicated recovery is expected. She'll be in the hospital until Wednesday at least and I'll be there from about 12-8 each day. What I do is not really visiting but is more like being her personal assistant. I'll watch tv or play on the computer and whenever she needs her slippers or blankets straighten or something to eat, I do it and just make her comfortable. She wants for nothing. If she feels like talking or going for a walk we do, otherwise she just rests. When you or a loved one is in the hospital for more than a few days, having someone there for the little things makes a huge difference and it ensures the doctors and nurses (who are absolutely wonderful to begin with) give extra attention. ALWAYS LEARN THEIR NAME AND YOU CAN NEVER SAY THANK YOU ENOUGH!

Finally, why I have a picture of Alice from The Brady Bunch in this post of my issues. When I got home tonight I crashed after walking Truvy and Tramp. When I woke up, I went to the kitchen to get a drink and saw a bunch of dirty dishes in the sink which pissed me off. I said, too loudly, "Why does a man who only eats cheese sandwiches (my dad) need so many dishes?!" I headed back up stairs and noticed that my mom's bed was messed up. I knew I had made it because it's what she'd want and was startled to see it unmade. I began to make it when I noticed that her jewelry box was missing! I started freaking! It was then that my dad appeared in the doorway. Only it wasn't my current dad, it was my 35 year old, handsome and in shape dad with a too big, evil grin on his face. I started to tell him about us being robbed when I saw Alice running up the stairs and realized that he had taken the jewelry box, they were in it together and I was in trouble! I ran to the phone and as I tried to dial the police, I woke up! This nightmare was so real for two reasons. First, it was in color and I never dream in color, second, the time frame was just after I had gotten home tonight. While I tried to catch my breath, which took quite a few minutes, I knew that Alice and my young father weren't real - everything else could have been. When I was finally able to walk, I checked that the bed was made and jewelry box still there. I then hid the jewelry box. I won't go into the other issues the dream revealed.

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