Monday, September 17, 2012


This started out as pimple (or something) and quickly became this. It's just below my hip and I'm afraid it could be bad. If it is, commenting will be light but I've got posts set up for the next few days.

Wish me luck.

UPDATE: Went to the doctor. It's a bacterial infection that has become grossly infected. I have several similar bumps on my neck which I thought were different but aren't and they are not infected. I have an antibiotic but if it doesn't improve in two days, I may need IV antibiotic treatment. **Gross alert** I wrote this post Sunday night. This morning, while getting ready to go to the doctor, it erupted! A steady stream of very thick blood (probably had some puss in it) just oozed out for about 30 seconds. If I hadn't been so festinated, I probably would have passed out. :) Some how I remained calm and went to the doctor thinking I was going to end up in the hospital. I didn't and hopefully the antibiotics will work.

Thanks for all the kind thoughts and suggestions.

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