Thursday, October 18, 2012


1. What were your favorite games as a kid?
I loved card games - war, slapjack, rummy, solitaire, hearts, crazy eights and pinochle. I also liked Battleship, rock'm sock'm robots, Sorry, Monopoly, Parcheesi, Chess, Checkers, Chinese Checkers, Backgammon, Life, Risk, Stratego, Candy Land, Hangman and many more.

2. Which Monopoly piece best describes you?
The doggie - I'm loyal, cute and love to wag my tail.
3. Ever play Doctor?
Yes, I was a Proctologist who made house calls. He was in need of a through rectal exam. I was still in my scrubs when I got to his house. There was a note on the door instructing  me to let myself in and where I would find my "patient." He was already in the examination room. The rest is private because of "doctor/patient" confidentiality.

4. How are you at Strip Poker?
I'm a great poker player but I always lose at strip poker. ;)
5. Best time for solving Rubik's Cube?
After I can do it while doing one-armed push-ups. So never again.

6. Rock, Paper, Scissors? or Rock, Paper, Scissors, Lizard, Spock?
If it had been around when I still played, it would have been Rock, Paper, Scissors, Lizard, Spock but it wasn't but I have taught it to some kids.
7. Do you still play board games with friends? Which ones?
We played a lot of different games like Win Loose or Draw, Trivial Pursuit, Jenga and others. Of course there was lots of drinking involved.

What role-playing games do you play in the bedroom?
I've played many different games, all at the request of my partner(s). I'm happy to play along and I can get into it but it's not my thing. One game I won't play is Daddy and Son - too many issues there.

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