Monday, October 29, 2012


I headed down to the beach last night at 5pm before the roads were closed. They have declared, for only the second time we can remember, a mandatory evacuation in all areas 15 feet or less above sea level. I live about 5 miles from the ocean but am less than a half mile from access to the bay which leads to the ocean. 

These are pics from the boardwalk in Long Beach, yes there were surfers, and although it's hard to tell, the water was covering about 75% of the beach and it wasn't high tide yet. 

It may seem like they are hyping "FRANKENSTORM," especially for just a category 1 hurricane, but a number of factors are coming together at once and they are creating maximizing the two most damaging factors of these kinds of storms - wind and storm surge. The winds will be far from the speeds that cause such "News At 11" highlights but the fact they will be sustained for 4-5 days is what will cause trees to come down and take out the power lines. The second is the storm surge. Sandy is a massive hurricane in size and it's movement is such that its most damaging power and winds are aimed perfectly for pushing water into the land.

Storm surges are not just big waves sweeping over the coastline. The water also rises and comes up from the ground and the storm drains which is why flooding from the surge reaches miles inland. Add to that the record rain fall expected and it's going to be very wet here.

Where I am, we haven't had storm flooding in at least 50 years but this storm could bring it. At the most, I'm expecting to be greatly inconvenienced by lack of power. Even if that does happen, Long Island is densely populated and has so many towns that getting needed supplies or relief (sitting in a Starbucks) should be too difficult.

Some of the things they don't list in storm preparation guidelines but should:
  • BUY your pet's food and other supplies
  • buy paper plates and cups because you may not be able to wash your dished
  • take a good shower and shave - it may be a while before you get to take another one
  • do your laundry and run your dishwasher so everything is clean and ready
  • remember that you car can recharge your phone and computer - IF you have the correct cords
  • prepare lost of posts for you blog and hope you scheduled them correctly (if you do more than 50 posts in a day then Capture comes up for each post!)

See the surfer?

My favorite pizza place, Gino's, read for Sandy. Of course I gave them some
business - being in Long Beach they could loose a lot of business. 

My attempt at video.

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