Monday, October 29, 2012


It's 10:30 and this is my first iPhone post. We lost power around 6:30. I got stir crazy and took a look around. A half mile away they have power ans so does much of the area. I'm parked outside a McDonald's and using their wifi.

Little flooding from we're I can get to but then all roads leading towards water are closed and have been all day. We've had lots of wind and  lightening but no thunder. Lots of trees are down and we haven't heard any reports so this is the first I've heard as I'm listening to the radio. Thank g d for white grape vid a, ambien and kindle.

I have posts queed through Saturday. I hope everyone is hanging in there a d ill update when I can.

Thanks for all the kind words , thought and positive energy!

Sean Truy and Tramp

Ps please ignore the typos and spelling 

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