Friday, April 8, 2011


First, let me apologize for my uninspired review of Source Code, I guess that says as much about my experience seeing the movie as anything I could write.

There is no lack of inspiration from Insidious! This was a great movie that made me jump in my seat 4 times and after the third time it took a full minute for me to catch my breath! How great is that?!

The movie is full of little details that reveal themselves later and aside from them not leaving the house that first night, no plot flaws. About a third of the way into the movie two things happen. First, it kicks it from 2nd gear straight into 5th and second, you realize this is really a remake (not officially any way)  of Poltergeist only not with poltergeists. A remake as good if not better than the original. Oh, it cost less than $1 million to make and it contained no blood and no swearing (except for bitch).

My biggest complaint is that Patrick Wilson should sleep in boxers only! However, he redeems himself when he applies eye cream before getting into bed! Love it!

There was also a preview for the Buffy The Vampire Slayer remake starring Brandon Routh as Dylan Dog: Dead of Night. If it's as good as Brandon is good looking, it'll be a very good movie.

See Insidious - you'll be glad you did except when you're in bed to scared to fall asleep.

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