Monday, October 3, 2011


I feel good and have been able to resume my normal activities, just don't ask me to do any running yet. I'm at about 90% and may not improve past that (my opinion not my doctors who I see in about two weeks). My biggest problem, comfort wise, was fluid retention. I know I have bigger problems but they aren't causing me any pain or discomfort.

One type of fluid retention was in my abdomen, it made me look and feel about 8 months pregnant and I do mean pregnant. I needed it removed 3x by a simple 20 minute procedure and each time it was over 10 pounds. The other was water in my legs and feet, I could barely walk and I looked like the humans from Wall-E. I entered the hospital at 185 and was 215 when I got home. For the first week and a half all I could do was keep my legs elevated. If I did anything, I paid for it with my swelling and worst of all I appeared in public in sweats and slippers. The meds finally kicked in and now I'm at 155! Thats a bit too much weight to loose and have put a call into my doc.  

The best news of all is that I finally got the last electrode sticky off my hairy chest! That one was a real bitch. I think I've also seen the last of the tape glue but it keeps coming back. The bruises on my arms from the shots and IV's have cleared up, they were almost completely purple from wrist to shoulder. They almost ran out of veins to use - I felt like Shelby in Truvy's when she tells her that her veins are caput.

My follow-up visits start next week and now that I've lost most of the fluid (the stuff in my abdomen is not water) and my organ swelling has gone done, we should be able to a better idea for my long-term prognosis. 

I'll keep you posted and again thanks for all the positive energy!

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