Thursday, February 9, 2012

"fava beans and a nice chianti." - Updated

Would it be wrong to bring some lava beans and a nice chianti to my liver biopsy Thursday?

"I ate his liver with some fava beans and a nice chianti."
- Hannibal Lecter, Silence of the Lambs

The procedure should only take a few minutes with about 2-3 hours for recovery (mostly to insure there's no bleeding) and there are no side affects outside the normal parameters when anastasia is involved (I checked it out Ron). The biopsy is to determine what stage (1-4) my cirrhosis is in so I can continue to receive proper treatment. 

I went to the kidney doctor last week and all my blood levels have return to normal range and my kidney function is improving better than expected and is now at 61% up from 19%!

Mom had her last chemo course last week and goes for a PetScan next week to determine how effective the radiation and chemo have been and to set the course for her continued treatment (most likely a maintenance program).

Update: It only took 2.5 hours and was little more than a pinch. I just take it easy today and am back to normal Friday. Results in a week or so. Thanks for all the kind thoughts!

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