Friday, April 16, 2010

Today: GLSEN's Day Of Silence

Today is GLSEN's national annual Day Of Silence in which students draw attention to anti-gay bullying by pledging to remain silent at school (except during class when required.) GLSEN is asking to students to Tweet The Silence to remind others. Anti-gay groups have called for Christian students to walk out of class today in an effort to punish participating schools financially.
"Every child that stays home on Friday in protest will take almost $100, in California at least, from the government school system in the form of ADA -- average daily attendance funds," (Save California's Randy Thomasson] explains. "We think that's appropriate punishment for a school district that allows homosexual indoctrination of children." He adds that it is the only type of lesson to be learned for public schools which value money much more than morality. Other groups calling for parents to keep their children at home as a protest of the Day of Silence include the American Family Association and the Illinois Family Institute.

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