Saturday, November 5, 2011


Today's post is dedicated to my little girl, Miss Truvy. On Monday, Truvy will have an operation to remove an abnormal growth from her lower eyelid that is too abnormal now. She's had it for about two years. She'll also have a fatty tumor removed and her teeth cleaned. (she has great teeth and doesn't need a real cleaning but since she'll be under, a little polishing is a good idea.

She goes in at 8:30 am and should be home by 3:30 that afternoon. The worst part of all of this will be making her wear that cone of silence. I'll be sure to take plenty of pics because I know her and she'll be staring at me with those big brown eyes and the most pitiful looks just begging to take the cone off.

Please keep her in your thoughts on Monday and send lots of positive energy our way. Thanks!!

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