Monday, November 7, 2011


Thank you is all I can say to the many thoughtful, caring comments and emails I have received concerning the health of myself and my family. They mean so much and have brought many tears. In a weird way, it's comforting to read the journey's others have had with their loved ones and to know I'm not alone. Who says you can't count on the kindness of strangers or at least people you have yet to meet in person.

I'm not sure how I did this but somehow I'm able to read my emails on my newish HTC phone but haven't a clue as to how to respond to them. So I do read your comments but by the time I can respond to them on my computer, I haven't the mental energy.

I'm about to take Truvy for a long walk to drain some energy so she is calmer going into surgery this morning. At 12, I take mom to the cardiologist and then if all goes well (and I expect it will) I'll pick Truvy up around 3pm. It was a long night with little sleep. Truvy has never been left with anyone but friends and family since we found each other 9 years ago.  I'll take some pics if I can. I think the cone will be the worst part of all.

Thanks!  Sean

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