Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Being Human Series 2 Coming to BBC America!

BBC America announced today the acquisition of two new U.S. premiere seasons of Being Human. The show’s highly anticipated second season will premiere in late summer with the third season following “shortly.”
Well, let’s give thanks to whatever deity is in charge of British shows about vampires, werewolves and ghosts. This is great news! The “shortly” part is frighteningly vague, but I’ll take it. I’m guessing they made the announcement today since people will be in the werewolf mood after seeing The Wolfman in theaters this weekend.
I’m going to celebrate by watching all of series one on my iPod on Valentine’s Day. Just me, two pounds of See’s dark chocolate truffles, a case of champagne and a very emotional Russell Tovey. I’ll put a “Do Not Disturb” sign on the door.
Here’s more from the press release:
Russell ToveyLenora Crichlow and Aidan Turner return as George, Annie and Mitchell, the three twenty-somethings trying to live as normally as possible despite being a werewolf, a vampire and a ghost. After the death of vampire leader Herrick at the end of season one, the supernatural friends are hoping they can now get on with their lives, but an even greater danger is lurking, within the very human world of which they want to be a part.
Werewolf George is coming to terms with the fact that he has Herrick’s blood on his hands, and a girlfriend who knows his horrific secret. Meanwhile, turning down the door of death has implications for ghost Annie, but her confidence is at a peak and she’s determined to stand up and be counted in the real world. And, with Herrick gone, Mitchell must appease the vampire world--can he find a way to lead by example?
The entire first season of Being Human is currently available on iTunes and Xbox LIVE Marketplace.”

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