Monday, April 9, 2012


Disclaimer:  This is actually an iPhone 4s Kindle App review but that would make the title too long.  I was a devoted Kindle reader (and still luv it) until I downloaded the Kindle app to my iPhone 4s and The Cloud. There are fewer words per tap but it's just so easy to whip it out. (my iPhone you perves)

I have been infatuated with Ricky Martin since the first time I saw him. I was at JR's in DC, having a drink and a good time when the place suddenly grew quite. What was going on? As I looked around, I saw that everyone was fixated on the tv (much smaller than today's big flat screens) and there was Ricky Martin filling the screen and the airwaves. He was performing The Cup of Life. So electrifying, handsome and those hips, I, like most, was hooked.

Judging a book by its cover, Ricky is one of the most handsome men EVER, with a great physique and tons of talent but when you get past the cover (interviews and writings) you learn that he is also a very spiritual, compassionate, loving, hardworking and charitable man. Sigh! So I downloaded ME.

ME basically reinforces everything we knew (or at least what I knew) about Ricky and reveals little more. Of course, when ME came out in Nov 2010, so did Ricky - that was news then but this is now. Ricky gives us great insight as to what drives him as a human, his days in Manudo, his spirituality, his truth (that he is gay although he says homosexual) and becoming a father. His writing is repetitive but always interesting.

It could be very easy to hate or be extremely jealous of this man who seems to have been born under a lucky start but he comes across (as always) as very genuine, trusting of his instincts and thankful for his opportunities. He is quite clear that none of what he has accomplished has come without hard work, dedication and a price but he would't have it any other way.

ME is a nice read and was a much needed change from Steven King's 11/23/63 and Full Dark, No Stars and The Hunger Games series.

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