Monday, April 2, 2012


We promised that if more than 40,000 consumers stood up against the anti-gay National Organization of Marriage and signed our "Thank Starbucks" card, we'd deliver it in person to their HQ in Seattle. In retrospect, we may have set the bar a bit low: Over 600,000 people like you have signed our card thanking Starbucks for standing up for marriage equality -- over twenty times the number of people who've joined the National Organization for Marriage's “Dump Starbucks” campaign.
Now, we've designed three different cards -- and we want you to choose which one we'll deliver to Starbucks. (And, as promised, we're going to have our campaigner Emma dressed up as a Starbucks coffee cup when she delivers it to Starbucks HQ with SumOfUs members in Seattle!)
Here are the thumbnails of the cards -- click through to see them enlarged and vote for your favorite!
turn on images -- starbucks card     turn on images -- starbucks card     turn on images -- starbucks card
Together, we are demonstrating to corporate America that marriage equality is a mainstream position any company should be proud to support, and that customers expect -- and reward -- social responsibility. We will let you know the winning design tomorrow, as well as how you can help us thank Starbucks when we deliver it to them on Wednesday in Seattle.

-Claiborne, Taren, Emma and the rest of us

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