Wednesday, May 16, 2012


  1. Name one thing that turns you on with unprecedented success. 
  2. What quirky physical trait or characteristic (not face, bod, legs etc,) gets your attention?
  3. Do you go commando? When dressed? When sleeping? Sexy or disgusting?
  4. Can there be too much foreplay?
  5. Is one orgasm per night enough or are you done and thru? 

  • If you’re a waiter and one of your customers was rude, would you spit in their food?

I invite you to:
  • do your own TMI posts every Thursday
  • post your responses in the comments
  • submit questions for future TMI Thursdays
Not too long ago there was a blog that featured TMI (Too Much Information) Questions. The idea was to post your answers in the comments and if you had a blog you should/could use them as a post as well. Questions were posted in advance so that everyone could post their answers on same day. It was fairly popular but unfortunately they stopped posting and so TMI Tuesday came to an end.

I loved TMI Tuesdays and have been reading some old posts and can't believe how candid I was and how similar my answers would be if asked today. With a fresh supply of questions, I'll be posting TMI Thursdays for the foreseeable future. 

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