Thursday, May 31, 2012


1. What was the worst way someone (of some significance) has broken up with you? In hind site, was it the correct thing to do?
Believe it or not, no one has ever broken up with me. In all my significant relationships, I was the one who ended it.
2. What was the worst way you dumped someone? In hind site, was it the correct thing to do?
I was always tried to be nice and always did it in person. Although I miss being it a relationship, it was always the right thing to do.
The first love of my life was also the first person I lived with (it was his house). He knew I wanted to talk and that things had been bad rough between us. Since I didn't know what would happen to me after breaking up, I had gotten an apartment before the talk and moved my things out before he got home that day. Before I could get him to sit down, he went to change and saw my clothes were gone. It's all I had there. All, and mean all, my other things were stored at a friends.
3. What is the most someone has done to persuade you to go out with them?
He left a note on my car saying he had seen me and had to get to know me. No name or number (this was in '95), the next day he left a note and a daisy, and the next day he left a single red rose asking me for a date  with a time and location (I still hadn't spoken to him or knew his name or what he looked like), on the 4th day, the day of the date,  he left two roses and a note that he was looking forward to the evening and hoped I'd come. Yes, I went and he greeted me at the door with the remaining dozen roses. He was very cute and very nice. My friend was watching from near by, in case he was a psyco. I had a great time but it didn't go the way either of us would have liked and we parted ways after a few more dates.
4. Ex-lovers - friends? Enemies? Non-existent?
I remain close to many of my first ex's and we continue to remain in each other's lives and circle of friends. However, after a really heartbreaking breakup, I decided no new ex's in my life, that it wasn't good for me. 
5. Sex with and ex?
No. I always felt that once it was over, it's over.

You have just discovered you have a super power that rival's Superman, do you become a Super Hero or a Super Villain?
I hope I'd be a Hero but feel like I could be corrupted by the power. I think it's because I was bullied and I'd become very vengeful. 

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