Tuesday, January 19, 2010


You always worry about bringing shows over from the UK. You especially have to worry when the UK show is so damn good like Torchwood. I worried about The Office but my fears have been unfounded. Sure, the original is better but I almost think it is because they were first and they didn't do the show very long. After six years of 25+ episodes would the original have been as good? What will never be matched though is the UK's Office reunion special. Best idea ever for a show.

Anyway, this is about Torchwood which is one of my favorite BBC shows ever. When I first saw it was coming to the US, I thought it might suffer the same fate as Life On Mars which just didn't seem to catch on here. I also worried FOX might try and make it suitable for a Hills type crowd. No worries though. The original producers are going to be the producers for the US version and the creator of the original will be writing the scripts for the US version. Oh, and the absolute best part? If FOX orders a pilot of the show John Barrowman is going to star!!!

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