Monday, January 25, 2010


Yesterday I was very excited to received an email for the author of Last Kiss, John Lustig. This is the second time I've ben contacted and thanked by the author of one of my favorite comics. The first time was John Forgetta, author of The Meaning of Lila.

John Lustig, thought that you and I would appreciate knowing about a Last Kiss contest. I was and I posted all about it. What I didn't know was that the contest reward was the chance to write with well known (not to me) anti-gay activist and N.O.M. board member, Orson Scott Card.  However, thanks to Prospero over at Caliban's Revenge, I have taken down the post and emailed John the following:


As I emailed you yesterday, I was very excited to receive your email and announcement of your Last Kiss Contest and wrote a post so my readers could participate; however, I have removed that post since being informed by a reader, and confirmed by my own research, of Orson Scott Card's anti-LGBT political beliefs and affiliations (he is a board member of National Organization for Marriage, a known hate group).
Given this new information I thought it would be a good idea to Google you have found that you are popular with the LGBT community. I did not find any negative information. I do think you deserve the benefit of the doubt and that you are possibly unaware, as I was, of Card's anti-LGBT views.
Depending on what I hear back from you, I may have to stop recommending/promoting Last Kiss. I hope this won't be the case and I can continue to enjoy Last Kiss.

UPDATE: I haven't heard back from John yet but did read his response to a commenter left on I left one as well. I will no longer post Last Kiss comics.

John LustigGenius_badge said, about 2 hours ago

Joey, I’m sorry that having Orson guest write for me is such a problem for you.
I know Orson’s views are controversial and I certainly don’t agree with him on some important issues. But I enjoy his work and he’s been exceedingly kind to me and I’m thrilled to have him involved in the contest.
In fact, you can expect to see Orson’s work at least one more time in the near future in regard to Last Kiss.
I have several other famous guest writers lined up (for future contests) and I didn’t ask them their political views.
I’m pretty liberal. Occasionally, I even express those views in my comics. But I have some good friends (and fans) who are conservative.
I think one of the big problems in this country right now is that things have become so polarized that neither side is really talking or listening to the other.
Granted, it’s not often that I hear much worth listening too. But I try to keep an open mind.

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