Thursday, June 7, 2012


1. Which True Blood character are you most like?
  • Sam -  a good guy, runs his own business, a bit of an outsider, somewhat tortured, has secrets to protect, always looking to help others but never getting it quite right.

2. Which character would you want to be?
  • Eric - strong, proud, in control, smart, razor sharp wit, blonde, sexy, brutally honest, couldn't care less about what others think, ruthless,  a viking, sexy.

3. Vampire / Were / Shape shifter?
  • Shifter - a vampire has long life and the most power but can never see the sun, has no soul and there's that whole killing to live thing. A were has no control. A shifter can shift at any time and in some cases into whatever animal they want - I'd be a dog but maybe seagull (seagulls are beautiful, live most anywhere and have almost no enemies). 

4. Which type of vampire do you like the most: True Blood, Anne Rice, Buffy, Blade Other? 
  • Anne Rice - they are most similar to the Bram Stoker vampire lore i.e. traditional, are romanticized, powerful, sexual, never changing. 

TEETH - I love this video!
5. Would you want to be a vampire?
  • If asked today, at this point in my life, I would.

If you could live for hundreds of years, not aging, would you?
  • Yes. I'd like to see where the world goes.

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