Thursday, June 28, 2012


1. Has your gaydar ever been wrong when hitting on the same sex? What happened?
  • No, but I kinda wish I had. I have been hit on a few times by straight women but then what gay man hasn't.

2. Do you ever role play when having sex? Details.
  • Not on a regular basis but there have been a few arrests, trips to the rodeos, medical examinations, trips to the locker room  and lock-ups in the big house.

3. Do you and your SO cruise guys together (look at him, he's hot) or is it "keep your eyes on me?"
  • Of course we would/did but we would always point the guy out to the other. I credit my mom for my POV. One time when my sister and I were very young we caught mom checking out a guy. We cried, "What about dad?" Mom's response, "When I stop looking it's time to worry."

4. What is your favorite song/music to have sex to? Different for making love?
  • I only ever really used music occasionally and then it was on dates. Remember those? My two favorites were and probably would still be, The Twin Peaks Soundtrack - very ethereal and spooky and anything by Chris Isaak.

5. Have you ever been 'f**ked awake' while sleeping or vise versa?
  • Yes, in both positions. Since we're on the subject of waking, orally as well.

If you were faced with the choice of only oral sex or only anal sex for the rest of your life -- which would you choose?
  • Although I think oral qualifies as sex, for me, it's not sex until someone gets f**ked.  

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  • Answers posted on Thursdays

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